Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Winter's Ball ROUNDUP!

So! If you somehow missed it in the last week. We did another collaboration! Here's the round-up post.

Check out all the reviews at the following links!

  • The GRAND ANNOUNCMENT [ link ]
  • Day 1: Lizzy's Fine Dark Eyes Perfume Oil from Sucreabeille [ link ]
  • Day 2: Two Dances with Darcy Perfume Oil from Poesie [ link ]
  • Day 3: The Netherfield Ballroom from Nui Cobalt Designs [ link ]
  • Day 4: Truth Universally Acknowledged from Deconstructing Eden [ link ]
  • Day 5 + 6: The Marble Gallery At Pemberly Soap from B. Perry Studios & The Gentlemen of Derbyshire from Libertine Bath Haus [ link ]
You can check out of photos of what the collection actually looks like plus  uh, buy it [ here ].

Thanks for tuning in all! Regularly scheduled reviews will start up again Friday with catch up being played on the two review sets I missed in November (not both at once... but they're the first two in the hopper - Nui Cobalt Designs and then Stereoplasm).

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